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Our projects. 

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Biodiversity Preservation Fund of Gabon (FPBG)

Design of an Environmental and Social Safeguards System (ESMS) for the FPBG


  • Development of an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and relevant tools for the FPBG for its grants financed through a Project Finance for Permanence (PFP) initiative and Blue Bonds. 

  • Train the FPBG staff and grantees on the ESMS and tools. 

  • Support the initial operationalization of the ESMS

Image by Victoriano Izquierdo


ESMS oversight for preparation of GEF 8 projects


  • Support the project design teams of GEF 8 project ensuring compliance with IUCN ESMS procedures, standards and principles and with IUCN and GEF

  • ​ESMS screening reviews and technical guidance/support for preparation of ESIAs, ESMPs, ESMFs, IPPs, SEPs, GAPs, etc. 

  • Quality assessment and oversight of final reports and tools prepared by projects in Chad, Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Sao Tome and Principe, Guinea, South Africa and Lesotho. 

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UNDP Cambodia

Technical Assistance Services for Operation of REDD+ Safeguards Information System (SIS) and Second Summary of Information (SoI) for Cambodia 


  • Support Ministry of Environment with the preparation of the country's 2nd SoI, covering activities from 2018-2022, in order to access GCF results based payment

  • Re-design the SIS to support the operationalization


GFA and KfW

Enhancing Rural Development through Adapted Land Use and Disaster Risk Mitigation in Tajikistan


  • Development of an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF),  Community Engagement Policy Framework (CEPF), Feedback and Grievance Redress Mechanism (FGRM) at inception phase.

  • Support implementation and development of Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMP).



Training for protected area managers on the newly developed FAPBM Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) in Madagascar


  • Delivered 3 day training session to FAPBM grantees on the content (requirements of of World Bank social and environmental standards) and procedures of the ESMS

  • Support to FAPBM on the roll-out of the ESMS


UNDP Gabon

Safeguard instruments for the project 'Transforming forest governance in the landscape of Bas Ogooué - Basse Nyanga, Gabon (GEF-7)


  • Developing the safeguard documentation for the implementation of the project in compliance with UNDP Social and Environmental Standards (SES) including: SESP, SESA, IPPF, ESIA, ESMP, GRM 

  • Consultations and training

Coffee Tree Harvesting


Design of an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) for the Forest Action Facility (FAF)


  • Design of the ESMS, integration of procedures into FAF operational manual, action plan to start up the ESMS 

  • Roll out of updated ESMS and capacity building to FAF staff staff and future beneficiaries

Hospital Exterior

Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)

Update of the CEB’s environmental and social safeguards policy (ESSP) and procedures


  • Comparative assessment and benchmarking of CEB and other MDBs

  • Proposal to modify and update CEB’s ESSP

  • Roll-out plan to fully update the ESS procedures, and capacity building



Preparation of a ESMF for PSMNR-SWR in Cameroon


  • Develop a Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for the PSMNR-SWR in Cameroon which supports the management of 5 protected areas. 



Principles and operationalisation guidance for robust and corruption-free benefit sharing for Nature-based Solutions


  • Develop operational guidance for conservation practitioners on the ground to consistently plan and execute effective and equitable benefit sharing arrangements for NbS programs and projects.


UN Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO)

Internal trainings on FAO’s Framework for Environmental and Social Management (FESM)


  • Delivered 5 session training course on FAO’s FESM for FAO staff. Course delivered in French and Spanish.


Hutan & Arcus Foundation

Development of a safeguards approach and framework for Hutan in Sabah


  • Contextual assessment, identification and assessment of the potential social and environmental impacts and risks of Hutan activities and operations, 

  • Formulation of environmental and social management procedures and tools 

  • Staff consultations and training


Madagascar Protected Areas and Biodiversity Fund & KfW

Assessment and update of the FAPBM’s E&S safeguard management system (ESMS)


  • Support the FAPBM in the update/development of procedures for effective due diligence and oversight of FAPBM grantees (+60 protected areas)

  • Roll out of updated ESMS and capacity building of FAPBM staff and selected grantees.


WWF France 

Assessment of social & environmental risks of WWF France Landscapes 


  • Social and environmental risk screening of WWF France Landscapes (including Guyana, New Caledonia, Mediterranean, Alps).

  • Development of environmental and social risk management framework for each landscape.

Temples in Sunseet

WWF Myanmar

Support to complete the ESSF screening tool for Myanmar sub landscapes


  • Environmental and social impact assessment of WWF Myanmar’s activities and preparation of environmental and social management plans for WWF Myanmar landscapes

  • Development of risk management training course for WWF Myanmar grantees

Hunting Season


Framework agreement to support IUCN environmental & social management system

2020 - 2023

  • Advise on further development and refinement of the ESMS standards, procedures and respective guidance notes

  • Inputs and oversight on the application of the ESMS for selected projects in the IUCN portfolio (review project documents, perform the ESMS screenings, support in preparing management plans and other safeguard tools incl. ESMP, ESMF, Process Framework or Indigenous Peoples Plan. 



Environmental & social risk assessment and implementation support for PSMNR-SWR in Cameroon


  • Social and environmental assessment of Programme for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources- South West Region (PSMNR-SWR) in Cameroon, including 5 protected areas (PA) activities.

  • Identify existing risks associated with the existence of the PAs, gaps in PSMNR approach and preparation of E&S action plan, including stakeholder consultations. 

  • Follow up task to design a grievance redress mechanism (GRM).

Aerial View of Curved River

Global Water Partnership Southern Africa

Project risk screening

2020 - 2021

  • Completion of the Social and Environmental Screening Procedure (SESP) for the preparation of the full project design for the Integrated Transboundary River Basin Management for the Sustainable Development of the Limpopo River Basinto be submitted to the Global Environment Facility (GEF). 

  • Categorisation of project risk level, preparation of safeguard mitigation documents, incl. Environmental and Social Management Plans.


Madagascar National Parks

E&S due diligence assessment and report on MNP


  • E&S risk assessment of MNP operations (managing +40 protected areas) and capacities in managing these risks.

  • Recommendations and action plan 

Coral Reef Island

Blue Action Fund

Advice on law enforcement and related risks within Blue Action Fund’s ESMS


  • Assessment of current ESMS regarding law enforcement/security risks

  • Design of an assessment tool for law enforcement risks

  • Assessment of project portfolio law enforcement risks

Wooden House in the Forest_edited.jpg

World Bank

Third-party monitoring for safeguards of the Costa Rica REDD+ ERP activities 


  • Verification of findings and conclusions of the safeguards ERP monitoring report, identification of possible gaps in the implementation of actions with respect to the ESMF and applicable World Bank  Policies, and recommendations for corrective measures

Harvesting Tea Leaf


Legal assessment of the forest sector and REDD+ state of play in Cambodia and Vietnam


  • Drafting socio-economic and political profile for each country, analysis of relevant legislation  (forests, land law/tenure, protected areas, indigenous peoples rights, community forestry).

  • Assessing REDD+ state of play ( stakeholders, policies, legislation, major programmes and current REDD+ projects, sources of funding and institutional arrangements).

  • Drafting analytical report to support development of CE engagement strategy in each country.


SNV Ghana

Development of detailed guidelines on REDD+ safeguards operationalisation, monitoring & reporting at sub-national levels

2020 -2021

  • Support the Forestry Commission by developing practical and cost-effective guidance for operationalising REDD+ safeguards on the ground at sub-national levels and for monitoring and reporting on their implementation. 

  • Adapting the national level design for safeguards implementation and SIS to the sub-national level.

Palm Trees

UNDP Dominican Republic

Strategic Environmental & Social Assessment (SESA) for the development of  sustainable mountain landscape in Dominican Republic


  • Support government with the development of a sustainable landscape approach and policy for mountain regions. This included assessing the existing legal and institutional framework, as well as baseline social and environmental studies in pilot areas. Tasks include implementing a SESA to identify key social and environmental risks. 

  • Consultations with local stakeholders. 


Conservation International

Analysis of Public Sector Climate, Forest, and Land Use Strategies and Determination of Investment Readiness


  • Research on Ghana and Dominican Republic, assessing their existing context in the AFOLU sectors, to identify investment readiness in GHG emission reductions activities.

  • Included assessing the legal and policy context on investment, land tenure, transparency, accountability, etc. 

Planting a Tree

Unique & World Bank

Identification of priority sites suitable for reforestation within priority landscapes in Madagascar


  • Development of a methodology and legal, policy, institutional analysis on the different categories of the National Forest Domain in for medium/large-scale reforestation.

  • Recommendations for the Atiala-Atsinanana ER Program – and the PADAP project

Silhouette of Elephant

UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)

Sustainable Wildlife Management Programme: improving institutional & legal frameworks for the sustainable use of meat from wild species.


  • Design of a methodology and associated diagnostic tools to assess the implementation and enforcement of laws and regulations applicable to the value chains of management and use (consumptive and non-consumptive) of wildlife species both at national and local levels.

Country experience.

  • Bhutan 

  • Cambodia 

  • Cameroon

  • Congo

  • Costa Rica

  • Dominican Republic

  • Ecuador

  • France

  • Gabon 

  • Ghana   

  • Guatemala

  • Hondura

  • Indonesia

  • Madagascar

  • Malaysia

  • Mexico

  • Pakistan

  • Panama

  • Peru

  • Uruguay

  • Vietnam 

  • Tajikistan

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